Create a Test Tournament

We strongly recommend that you become familiar with all of the many features of the DI Scoring Program before tournament day. Then, when the big moment arrives, you'll be a DI Scoring Program expert.

While you're learning and testing, it's best to work in a tournament created specifically for the purpose. That way, you won't jeopardize the data in your tournament directory.

Then, try it out. This topic contains suggestions for a variety of tasks you can try on your test tournament.

If you have trouble with any step in this process, please read the Help topic referenced in the task. If it doesn't answer your questions, send your questions in an email to [email protected] as soon as possible. We'll try to provide the help you need.

To create a test tournament, choose one of the following methods.

Give the test tournament a name that you won't confuse with your real tournament, such as Test or Guinea Pig.

When you have your test tournament, you can have some fun with it. Try the following procedures. Then, dream up the best crisis you can think of and use your new found skills to solve it. (See the Troubleshooting section for ideas.)

Change the tournament location to Kona, Hawaii.
(We can dream, can't we?)
See Set the Tournament Name and Place.
Add a challenge level for a BREAKING POINT - Secondary Level team. See Set Challenge Levels.
Back up the Tournament See Back Up the Tournament.
Add a team to the WORLDS BEYOND - Elementary Level challenge. See Add a Team.
Add an advancement rule for University Level specifying that a third team advances when at least 20 teams compete in a challenge. See Set Advancement Rules.
Select a different type of Team Challenge score sheet.
First, open the current score sheet and take a good look at it. Then, change the score sheet, and look at the new score sheet.
See Select the Score Sheet.
Move a team from HIGH-WIRE ACT - Elementary Level to ARE WE THERE YET? - Secondary Level. See Move a Team.
Change a team's Instant Challenge start time. See Change Team Data.
If you're using the Detail score sheet with appraisers, add an appraiser named Arthur Frommer to score the LESS IS MORE - Middle Level challenge. Assign him to score only the central challenge, not the team choice items. See Add an appraiser.
If you're using the Detail score sheet, turn automatic printing on. Then, enter the team challenge scores for a team (any team). Turn automatic printing off. See Automatically print detail score reports.
Enter the Team Challenge scores for a team, note the check digits, and close the score sheet. Then, reopen the score sheet, change just one score, save, and note the check digits. See Compare the Check Digits, Enter Scores, and Change a Score.
Enter scores for all teams in a challenge level and then generate a Tournament Web Page showing the results.  Generate a Tournament Web Page.
Back up the Tournament (again) See Back Up the Tournament.
Raise an issue when a team's Team Challenge scores arrive, but they're all out of range. Explain that you're sending the scores back to the challenge site. See Raise an Issue.
Add a comment to the open issue. Explain that the Score Master is going over to the challenge site to help the appraisers. Remember to include your name and the current time in the comment. See Comment on an Issue.
Print an unresolved issues report. See Print Issue Reports.
Resolve the open issue. Note that the score sheets were returned to the scoring room and that they are all valid. See Resolve an Issue.
Back up the Tournament (early and often) See Back Up the Tournament.
Change a team's status to No Show. See Change a Team's Status.
Enter Team Challenge scores for one team. Then, merge the scores into a master tournament directory. (Submit the whole test tournament directory to the Merge feature.) See Merge.
In the test tournament directory, change one of the scores for the team. Also, enter Instant Challenge scores for a team in a different challenge level. Then, merge the updated scores into a master tournament directory. (Submit the whole test tournament directory to the Merge feature.) See Merge.
Enter scores for all teams in the tournament. Set the check directory to a directory on your computer. Copy the tournament directory to a jump drive. Run check scores. See Check Scores.
Set the "Only N Places" value to 3. Limit the number of teams printed on the Final Scores Report to 3. Then, print the Final Scores Report. See Set Only N Places value, Print a limited Final Scores report.