Set Up Reports

You can customize several characteristics of the reports provided by the DI Scoring Program. This section describes the options and tells how to set them.

Some of the options are preferences which reflect the user's personal choices about how reports are printed or data is displayed. Other options are part of the tournament definition and, as such, should be set in accordance with policy established by the Tournament Director. Both types of options are gathered in this section for your convenience.

Some of the options apply only to specific reports. Please read the descriptions carefully.

This section includes the following topics:

It also includes the following topics about automatic printing options:

See also: Report Reference Table
 Select Reports
 Printing Preferences
 Scoring Preferences
 Create Custom Reports

Save reports in a text file

This preference determines how the DI Scoring Program responds when you select a report from the Print menu. You can set it to print the report or to send the contents of the report to a text file in the tournament directory.

This feature is available only for Instant Challenge Check Sheets, Finish Times Report, Final Scores Report, Entered Scores Report, and Meet Summary (without scores).

To send reports to a text file or a printer:

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Set Preferences.
  2. On the Preferences Editor menu bar, click Printing.
  3. Choose one of the following options:
  4. Then, choose one of the following buttons:

To print a report, select the report name from the Print menu. If the report is sent to a text file, the DI Scoring Program displays a message with the text file name. You can find the text file in the tournament directory.

Set report margins

This preference sets the margins for all four edges of a report. The setting applies to all printed reports.

To set the margins:

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Set Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences Editor menu bar, click Printing.
  3. Select a margin size from the Printer Margins drop down list.
  4. Then, choose one of the following buttons:

Set the Only N Places value

This preference specifies the number (N) in the Only N places option in the Print menus. The Only N places option lets you limit the number of teams included in the Final Scores Report.

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Set Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences Editor menu bar, click Printing.
  3. Select a number from the Max Final Scores to Print drop down list.
  4. Then, choose one of the following buttons:

To use the Only N places option, see Print a limited Final Scores report, below.

Print a limited Final Scores report (Use Only N Places)

You can limit the number of teams printed in the Final Scores report by using the Only N Places feature. This topic explains how to do it.

The Only N Places feature is designed to print a Final Scores report for the awards ceremony, where you might only want to print the names of teams that you plan to announce.

To print a limited report:

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window or challenge-level window, click the Print menu.

    The check box beside the Only N Places item on the menu determines whether (N) number of teams appear on the report or the report lists all teams.

  2. Select (click) the Only N Places item to check the check box.

    The check box is a toggle switch. Its value changes each time you select it. When you select it, the menu closes, but when you open it again, the box is changed.

  3. Open the Print menu again and select the Final Scores.

To specify the number in the Only N Places option, see Set the Only N Places value, above.

Set the number of teams ranked

The Meet Summary and the Tournament Web Page list teams in rank order. You can limit the number of teams ranked and display the remaining teams in alphabetical order.

This feature in only available in reports that do not include scores.
This option is part of the tournament definition and should be set in accordance with the scoring room public relations policy and in consultation with the Tournament Director. (See Design a scoring room public relations policy.)

Typically, in consideration of those who might fall at the bottom of the list, only 3 - 6 teams are listed in rank order.

To set the number of teams ranked:

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Tournament Wizard.
  2. On the cute monkey page, click Modify current tournament, and then click Next.
  3. On the Tournament Information and Challenge Color pages, click Next.
  4. On the Tournament Results page, in the Nbr. Places To Print in Place Order box, enter the number of teams that are ranked.

Print High IC Team on Results pages

The score program has the option to indicate the High IC team for each Challenge and Level. The High IC Team will be listed immediately after the 1st place teams in reports and html files for the Web page.
This option is part of the tournament definition and should be set in accordance with the scoring room public relations policy and in consultation with the Tournament Director. (See Design a scoring room public relations policy.)

To include High IC Team in Reports:

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Tournament Wizard.
  2. Select Modify current tournament.
  3. On the Tournament Results page, in the Report High IC Team in Final Results field, check the box to include High IC Teams in reports and the Web page. 
  4. Uncheck to generate reports without the High IC indicated.

Define the content of the Web page(s)

These features determine whether the Tournament Web Page(s) produced by the DI Scoring Program include final scores and certain raw score values, or display only the team names.

Because publicly available Web pages usually do not contain scores, scores are omitted by default. However, you can use this feature to add scores to Web pages that are for special or private use.

This option is part of the tournament definition and should be set in accordance with the scoring room public relations policy and in consultation with the Tournament Director. (See Design a scoring room public relations policy.)

To include scores in the Tournament Web Page:

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Tournament Wizard.
  2. Select Modify current tournament.
  3. On the Tournament Results page, in the Put Scores in HTML file field, check the box to include scores in the Web page.
  4. If you elect to include scores, you may still wish to Suppress raw weight, laps, balls, etc. to minimize controversy and ill feelings among the members of your DI community. If so, just check the box before that option to Suppress those raw scores. The calculated or scaled scores including those elements will still be printed.
  5. You may also check the box to Split HTML into Multiple Files by Challenge to produce separate HTML files for each challenge; this may be desirable, depending on the structure of your Web site!

Automatically print detail score reports

If you are using the detail scores sheets, you can tell the DI Scoring Program to print the team's score sheets automatically as soon as a team's scores are complete and saved. This feature frees you from having to remember to print these reports and from having to print the reports on demand during a busy tournament.

The automatic printing feature can print the following reports:

There are three ways to turn automatic printing on and off. You can use the Preferences Editor or use the menu item or toolbar button in the detail score sheet. Set the preference to indicate the method you'll use most often, then use the menu item or toolbar button for exceptions. The menu item and toolbar button turn automatic printing on and off only for the current team. They do not change the automatic printing preference.

Automatic printing is available only when you are using the team challenge detail score sheets. If you are using a different score sheet, the automatic printing buttons and check boxes are dimmed to show that they are not available.

To turn the automatic print feature on and off:


Determine which score sheets are automatically printed

When automatic printing of detail score reports is enabled, you can also determine which detail score reports are automatically printed, and how many copies of each of the score report prints automatically. All selected reports are printed as soon as the team's scores are entered and saved.

By default, automatic printing prints one copy of the Team's Detail Scores Report and one copy of the Appraiser's Detail Scores Report.

To determine the number of automatically-printed score reports.

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Set Preferences.
  2. On the Preferences Editor menu bar, click Printing.
  3. In the Detail Score Sheet Auto-Print section, use the spinner boxes to set the number of copies of each score sheet to print.
  4. To print a score report automatically, set the number of copies of that report to at least 1.
  5. To print print more than one copy of a score report, set the number of copies to the number desired.

The following table associates the score report with the corresponding menu option. The default number of copies is shown in parentheses beside each menu option.

Menu optionScore report
Number of Score Room sheets to auto print (0)Score Room Detail Scores Report
Number of Head Appraiser sheets to auto print (0)Appraisers' Detail Scores Report
Number of Team Manager sheets to auto print (1)Team's Detail Scores Report
Number of Instant Challenge sheets to auto print (0)Instant Challenge Check Sheet


Determine which score sheet prints first

When automatic printing of detail score reports is enabled, you can determine which score report prints first in each batch. This makes it much easier to distribute and manage the score reports.

To determine which score report is automatically-printed first

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Set Preferences.
  2. On the Preferences Editor menu bar, click Printing.
  3. In the Detail Score Sheet Auto-Print section, from the Which detail sheet should print first? box, use the drop-down list to select the score sheet that should print first.

The following table associates the score report with the corresponding menu option.

Menu optionScore report
Team Manager (default)Team's Detail Scores Report
Head AppraiserAppraisers' Detail Scores Report


Mark the score sheets as "PRELIMINARY"

When automatic printing of detail score reports is enabled, you can add a banner to each automatically printed score report to indicate that the report is a "work in progress" and not final. This option adds the following banner to the top of each score report.

"PRELIMINARY!-data entry not double check-PRELIMINARY."

To add a "Preliminary" banner to automatically printed score reports

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Set Preferences.
  2. On the Preferences Editor menu bar, click Printing.
  3. In the Detail Score Sheet Auto-Print section, click to check the Mark "Preliminary" check box.


Hide Print dialog when automatically printing scores

Every time that you print, your operating system displays a Print dialog box, which prompts you to confirm the print task and lets you set or reset printing options.

The Print dialog box appears even when you are printing score sheets automatically, but you can use this preference to suppress (hide) the Print dialog box and continue the scoring process without interruption. This feature hides the Print dialog box only for automatic printing. The feature has no effect on any other printing task.

To hide the Print dialog box when automatically printing score reports

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Set Preferences.
  2. On the Preferences Editor menu bar, click Printing.
  3. Set Show print dialog when automatically printing scores to No.

When this option is set to Yes, the Print dialog box appears. When it is set to No, the Print dialog box is hidden.