Report Reference Table

The following table describes the reports provided by the DI Scoring Program, tells when you can print the report, and how to do it.

See also:Printing Preferences
 Set Up Reports
 Save Report to a Text File
 Select Reports
 Create Custom Reports
Name Description When? How?
All Issues Report Tournament-level report. Lists all issues raised thus far in the tournament, including the time the issue was reported and descriptive comments.

See Managing Issues.

Any time. In the Tournament Summary Window or the All Teams Window, from the Print menu, select All Issues.
Appraiser Assignment Sheet Challenge level. This "blank" form is for the Head Appraiser to indicate which appraisers are assigned to which scoring elements. Any time. In a challenge level window, from the Print menu, select Appraiser Assignment Sheet; requires 'landscape' mode.
Appraiser Feedback Form Team-level report. Lists the score-related remarks for an individual team. Once score-related remarks are entered into the scoring program.

Works only if remarks exist.

In a challenge level window, highlight the individual team, then from the Print menu, select Appraiser Feedback.
Appraisers' Detail Scores Report Team-level report. Prints the detail score sheet for the Team Challenge, including the appraiser columns. Shows the raw scores and the maximum possible score for each subcomponent. When a Team Challenge score sheet is complete.

Works only when Detail score sheets are selected.

In a challenge-level window, highlight the team's row and then, from the Print menu, select Appraisers' Detail Scores. Or, automatically, if the automatic printing feature is turned on.
Certified Winners List Tournament-level report. Produces a CSV (comma-separated values) file with a name you select. File contains eight columns - Challenge, ChalCode (=A, B, C, etc.), Level, TeamNum, MemberName, TeamName, Location, Manager - of the data that you loaded into your tournament. When tournament is complete. In the Tournament Summary Window or the All Teams Window, from the File menu, select Create Certified Winners list.
Entered Scores Report Challenge-level report. Lists the components of each team's raw Team Challenge score. For Detail score sheets, it also lists the subcomponents of each team's raw score. Any time. You can print this report to verify scores, to resolve discrepancies reported by the Check Scores features, or to resolve an issue. In a challenge-level window, from the Print menu, select Entered Scores.
Existing Appraiser Assignments Challenge level. Lists the appraisers and indicates the scoring elements to which each appraiser is assigned. As soon as the appraisers are entered in the DI Scoring Program. In a challenge level window, from the Print menu, select Existing Appraiser Assignments; requires 'landscape' mode.
Final Scores Report Tournament-Level or Challenge-level report. Lists teams in rank order with place, tie, going on status, Total Deductions as well as scaled and raw Total, Central Challenge, Team Choice and Instant Challenge scores. Some challenges may have additional specialized fields such as Weight Held Ratio (WHR). 
Optionally this report can also indicate the Team with the Highest IC score. This option is enabled using the Tournament Wizard Setup Web Page dialog. 

Use the Only N Places feature to specify number of teams included in the report.

When all scores for the challenge level or the tournament have been entered.

Designed for the awards ceremony and for posting scores.

In the Tournament Summary Window, the All Teams Window, or a challenge-level window, from the Print menu, select Final Scores.

When selected from a challenge-level window, prints only that challenge level; otherwise prints all challenge levels.

Finish Times Report Tournament-level report. Lists the time of day that each challenge level is expected to complete the Team Challenge and Instant Challenge parts of the tournament. Time listed is last TC/IC start time + 30 minutes. Any time.

Makes a great schedule for the scoring room.

In the Tournament Summary Window, from the Print menu, select Finish Times Report.
IC Scores for Score Packet Team-level report. Prints the instant challenge score sheet for the team, including the appraiser columns. Shows the combined raw scores and the maximum possible score for each subcomponent.

This report is NOT returned to the team. It is for official use only.

When an Instant Challenge score sheet is complete.

Works only when "detailed with appraisers" scoring is used for the team's instant challenge.

In a challenge-level window, highlight the team's row and then, from the Print menu, select IC Scores for Score Packet. Or, automatically, if the automatic printing feature is turned on.
Instant Challenge Check Sheet Tournament level or challenge level. Scoring sheets for instant challenge. List teams in order of their Instant Challenge starting time, with columns for scores, deductions, and an appraiser's initials. As soon as teams are entered in the DI Scoring Program, but you might wait until the team list and challenge times are stable. In the Tournament Summary Window or a challenge level window, from the Print menu, select Inst Check Sheets.
Instant Challenge Log Sheet Challenge level. Lists the teams in order of their Instant Challenge starting time, with columns to track scores entering and leaving the scoring room. As soon as teams are entered in the DI Scoring Program, but you might wait until the team list and challenge times are stable. In a challenge level window, from the Print menu, select IC Log Sheet.
Log Sheets Tournament level. Lists the Team Challenge and Instant Challenge schedule for each challenge level. The log sheets have a box to mark the team's arrival or completion of a task. As soon as teams are entered in the DI Scoring Program, but you might wait until the team list and challenge times are stable. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the Print menu, select Log Sheets.
Meet Summary Tournament-level report. Lists the teams in rank order and indicates advancing and tied teams, but omits all scores. You can set the number of teams ranked and list the remainder in alphabetical order.

See Set Up Reports.

When scores for all challenges have been entered.

Great for media and general distribution!

In the Tournament Summary Window or the All Teams Window, from the Print menu, select Meet Summary.
Meet Summary with Scores Tournament-level report. A Final Scores Report for all challenges in the tournament. Lists the teams in rank order with raw and scaled total scores for each team. Indicates advancing and tied teams. When scores for all challenges have been entered. In the Tournament Summary Window or the All Teams Window, from the Print menu, select Meet Summary with Scores.
Meet Summary with Scores (rtf) Tournament-level report. A Final Scores Report for all challenges in the tournament. Lists the teams in rank order with raw and scaled total scores for each team. Indicates advancing and tied teams. Report in Microsoft Word RTF (rich text format) file which can be saved. This report is useful for very large tournaments. When scores for all challenges have been entered. In the Tournament Summary Window or the All Teams Window, from the Print menu, select Meet Summary with Scores (rtf).
Section Winners Tournament-level report. A tool for the Tournament Director to identify candidate Teams for possible advancement to Global Finals who have achieved the highest Scaled Score in each Section of a Challenge Level. A Section of the Challenge is the Central Challenge, the Team Choice Elements, or the Instant Challenge. This report lists only the Team with the Highest Score for each Section of every Challenge Level, notes that Team's Final Score placement, and indicates advancing (G) and tied (T) teams. Report in TXT format, which can be saved or ptinted. When scores for all challenges have been entered. In the Tournament Summary Window or the All Teams Window, from the Print menu, select Section Winners.
Score Room Detail Scores Report Team-level report. Prints the detail score sheet for the Team Challenge, including the appraiser columns. Shows the raw scores and the maximum possible score for each subcomponent. Also shows Check Digits for the team's score and for each appraiser's assigned scores. When a Team Challenge score sheet is complete.

Works only when Detail score sheets are selected.

In a challenge-level window, highlight the team's row and then, from the Print menu, select Score Room Detail Scores. Or, automatically, if the automatic printing feature is turned on.
Team Challenge Log Sheet Challenge level. Lists the teams in order of their Team Challenge starting time, with columns to track scores entering and leaving the scoring room. As soon as teams are entered in the DI Scoring Program, but you might wait until the team list and challenge times are stable. In a challenge level window, from the Print menu, select TC Log Sheet.
Team's Detail Scores Report Team-level report. Prints the detail score sheet for the Team Challenge, but excludes the appraiser columns. Shows the combined raw scores (from the Score column) and the maximum possible score for each subcomponent.

This report is delivered to the Team Manager. It replaces the old "NCR" form.

When a Team Challenge score sheet is complete.

Works only when Detail score sheets are selected.

In a challenge-level window, highlight the team's row and then, from the Print menu, select Team's Detail Scores. Or, automatically, if the automatic printing feature is turned on.
Tournament Web Page Tournament-level report. Web page version of the Meet Summary. Lists the teams in rank order and indicates advancing and tied teams. You can set the number of teams ranked (list the remaining teams in alphabetical order) and include or omit scores - all scores or certain raw scores.

See Set Up the Tournament Web Page.

Any time, but most useful when tournament is complete.

You may also choose to print this report one challenge at a time.

In the Tournament Summary Window or the All Teams Window, from the File menu, select Generate HTML Results.
Unresolved Issues Report Tournament-level report. Lists all outstanding issues, including the time the issue was reported and descriptive comments.

See Managing Issues.

Any time. Consider printing one routinely before reporting scores. In the Tournament Summary Window or the All Teams Window, from the Print menu, select Unresolved Issues.