Create a Tournament

To those of us in Destination Imagination, a tournament is a day of excitement, delight, and inspiration. But to the DI Scoring Program, a tournament is merely a folder or directory that contains a specified set of files. All of the data that the DI Scoring Program uses and generates while it scores a tournament are stored in these files in the tournament directory. There is a separate tournament directory for each tournament.

In the following tasks, you will create a tournament directory, customize the DI Scoring Program for your tournament, and add your team data to the tournament directory.

When your tournament is created, you can copy the tournament to other computers that you will be using to score the tournament or track its progress.

The DI Scoring Program provides an easy to use Tournament Wizard to create your tournament directory, preferences and enter team data.

If you need to add more teams later, you can either use the Tournament Wizard again to modify the tournament and import additional teams or type the team data directly into the DI Scoring Program.

You do not need to create a tournament on every computer you will use in your tournament. Create the tournament just once, and then copy the tournament directory to the other computers in the tournament. This method assures that all computers in your tournament have the same data. See Set Up Additional Computers.
Some of the tasks involved in creating a tournament require serious consideration and planning. Before you begin, read the topics in the Planning Worksheet carefully and be prepared to implement some of your decisions.


If you have questions or problems, please send an email to [email protected] as soon as possible. We'll try to provide the help you need.