Change Team Data

You can change the team data, such as the membership name, team number, and challenge times, and change the team's team challenge and/or challenge level.

To change team data:

  1. Open the team's current challenge level window or the All Teams Window.

  2. Click anywhere in the team's row to select it.
  3. To open the Team Editor, use one of the following procedures:

  4. To move a team, in the Team Editor, use the Team Challenge and Level selectors to select the new values for this team.
  5. To change other team data, type the new data in the appropriate text box.
  6. Click Modify to save your changes, Revert to return to the original values, or Close to close the Team Editor without making any changes.

When your changes are complete and saved, refresh the team lists to update all windows. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the View menu, click Refresh Team Lists.