Set Preferences

Preferences are personal choices about the appearance and operation of the DI Scoring Program. They change the way data is displayed, but they never change the scoring data.

Unlike the tournament definition, which is derived from policy decisions and must be the same on all computers in the tournament, each user can set and change preferences independently.

Preferences apply to all tournaments; they are not specific to a tournament and are not saved in the tournament directory. They are saved in an XML document in your user profile.

For a quick list and description of the preferences, see the Preference Reference.

To view or change your preferences, in the Tournament Summary Window, from the File menu, select Set Preferences.

Or, click the Set Preferences button in the toolbar, or press Ctrl+P.

This opens the Preferences Editor.


Using the Preferences Editor

To turn the pages of the Preferences Editor, click the menu buttons that appear along the left side or use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW keys. Do not click the OK button to change your page. Clicking OK closes the Preferences Editor.

To save or discard your changes, use one of the following options.


Restore Default Preference Settings

You can restore the original, default preference settings for the DI Scoring Program. This procedure resets all options to the default setting.

To restore the original preferences:

  1. Close the DI Scoring Program.
  2. Delete the diprefs.xml file. It is located in the %USERPROFILE% directory on your computer, such as C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName> or C:\Users\<UserName>.

When you restart the DI Scoring Program, the preferences are reset to the original (default) values and the program has created a new diprefs.xml file for you.


Copy Preferences to Other Computers

Preferences are personal settings that customize the system. Because they do not affect the scores, they can be different on every computer that is used in the tournament. However, you can use the following procedure to copy the preferences set on one computer to other computers.

To copy preferences:

  1. Close the DI Scoring Program.
  2. Copy the diprefs.xml file. It is located in the %USERPROFILE% directory on your computer, such as C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName> or C:\Users\<UserName>.
  3. Paste the file in the corresponding directory on the other computer.

To more quickly find a particular Preference section by name, use the following list:


Date and Time Preferences

The date and time preferences set the display format used for the date and time in the DI Scoring Program and in reports. This preference only affects the display. It does not change the way the date and time data are stored and it has no effect on the date or time format used to enter team data.

To view and change the Date and Time preferences:


Font Preferences

The Font Preferences sets the size and style of lettering in the DI Scoring Program windows and the on-screen score sheets.

To view and change the Font preferences:

If your experiments in Feng Shui have gone awry, you can use the following table to restore the default the font settings.

  Family Style Font Size
Cell Font Sans Serif None 12
Header Font Sans Serif Bold 12
Toolbar Font Sans Serif None 8
Calculator Font Monospaced None 10


Look and Feel Preferences

The "Look and Feel" preference sets the appearance of the windows and the behavior of the controls in the DI Scoring Program.

To view and change the Look and Feel preferences: