The Preference Reference

This topic describes the preferences in the DI Scoring Program.

Preferences by Name

For detailed instructions about viewing, setting, and changing the preference, click the preference name.

Date and Time Preferences
Date Display FormatDetermines how the date is displayed.
Time Display FormatDetermines how the time is displayed.
Font Preferences
Cell FontChanges the font of the scores in the score sheets. The default is Sans Serif 12.
Header FontChanges the font of the descriptions in the score sheets. The default is Sans Serif Bold 12.
Toolbar FontChanges the font of the toolbar buttons. The default is Sans Serif 8.
Calculator FontChanges the font on the Calculator tape. The default is Monospaced 10.
Look & Feel Preferences
Use Challenge ColorsApplies the challenge colors (from the tournament definition) to the score sheets, the Tournament Summary Window, the All Teams Window and the challenge level windows. This preference does not affect TC/IC colors that are defined in the Team List Preferences.
Score Entry TAB keyDetermines how the TAB key responds in the score sheets. For the Detail score sheet with appraisers, use TAB goes down in each column. For other score sheets, use TAB moves to right, because there's only one column on those sheets.
Appraiser SelectionDetermines the color patterns on the Edit Appraisers page that you use to assign score items to appraisers in the Add an appraiser task. You can elect to have the lines all one color, alternating colors, or colored by score item number ("By score item name"). The default is By score item name.
Summary and Challenge/Level Windows Determines the grid and color display on the Tournament Summary Window, the All Teams Window, and each of the challenge level windows.
  • Use faint "stripes" hides borders between table cells. When the challenge colors are enabled, they appear only in the Challenge, Team Chall, Team Num, and Description columns.
  • Use table "grid" displays borders between table cells. When the challenge colors are enabled, they appear in all non-score columns.
Printing Preferences
Report OutputDetermines where reports go when you click Print. Printer (the default) sends files to the printer. ASCII Text File saves reports in a text file instead of printing them.

This preference affects only the Instant Challenge Check Sheets, Finish Times Report, Final Scores Report, Entered Scores Report, and Meet Summary (without scores).

Page SetupOpens the Page Setup dialog box so you can set printer preferences, such as margins and page orientation. (You can also open this this box by clicking Page Setup on the Print menus.)
Printer MarginsSets the same printer margin on all four sides of every page of the reports. The default, Use page setup values, uses the values that you set in the Page Setup dialog box.
Maximum Final Score to PrintSpecifies the value of N in the Only N Places option in the Print menus. The default is 6.

The Only N Places option limits the number of teams included in the Final Scores Report to the number that you specify. This preference is used only when you choose the Only N Places option.

Detail Scores Auto-PrintTurns automatic printing of score reports on and off, and determines which scores print automatically, how many copies of each are printed, and which sheet is printed first. You can also elect to hide the Print dialog box when printing automatically and add a "Prelminary" banner to the score sheets.

Team List Preferences
Challenge Level WindowsSelects the columns and column order for the challenge level windows. To hide columns that contain no data, check Hide Empty Columns. For descriptions of the columns, see The Columns.
All Teams WindowSelects the columns and column order for the All Teams Window. To hide columns that contain no data, check Hide Empty Columns. For descriptions of the columns, see The Columns.
OptionsShow team info when hovering over a team in the list displays team data when you hover over any column of a team's row in the All Teams Window and challenge level windows. The Delay box determines how long the mouse pauses before the data appears. The default delay is 1 second.
IC/TC ColorsAdds colors to distinguish the TC columns from the IC columns. You can add these colors to the challenge level windows, the All Teams Window, or both.
  • To determine which windows are affected, use the Enable IC/TC column colors... boxes
  • To select the colors, use the Instant Challenge and Team Challenge color selectors. For instructions on using the color selectors, see Set Challenge Colors.

The IC/TC colors are independent of the challenge colors that are set in the tournament definition and are not affected by the Use Challenge Colors preference.

Scoring Preferences
Perform "normal" range checksNotifies you when you enter a score that is unusual, even though it is valid, such as zero (0). This optional notice is an addition to the notice that you always get if you enter an invalid score.
Show menu bar in score tableDisplays the menu on all score sheets. To hide the menu, uncheck the preference. (If you hide both the menu and the toolbar, you cannot use features that they control. If you want either "bar" back, just right click anywhere in the score entry portion of the score sheet and check the box near the top of that menu to recover.)
Allow Automatic Updates Allows this computer alone to check the internet for updates to the DI Scoring Program and download these updates.
Show toolbar in score tableDisplays the toolbar on all score sheets. To hide the toolbar, uncheck the preference. (If you hide both the menu and the toolbar, you cannot use features that they control. If you want either "bar" back, just right click anywhere in the score entry portion of the score sheet and check the box near the top of that menu to recover.)
Delay score validationPostpones all invalid score warnings and "normal" range check warnings until you save the team's scores (by clicking Save, Next Team, or Previous Team). This is intended for touch typists who don't look at the screen while typing and might miss the warnings.
Display Tournament Check DigitsDisplays a column of check digits in the Tournament Summary Window. By default, check digits are displayed only on the score sheets.

To display check digits in the All Teams Window or challenge level windows, use the Team List Preferences to add the Check column to the window.

Show score rangesDisplays the actual score range, even though the program automatically normalizes all scores to a 1 - 30 (USS) range. The range indicates the relative weight of the item's score, but it might cause appraisers to score the item incorrectly.
Compare calculator tapesIncludes the calculator tape items in the score check. This preference is used only when you are checking scores and using the calculator to calculate the weight held total for the structure challenge.
Score Entry Title and Header Lines FormatLets you customize the score sheet titles to display the team information that you need.
Cross Check Directory (for "Check Scores")Specifies the path to the local copy of the other scoring computer's tournament directory. This path is used for both manual "Check Scores" and "Auto Cross-Check Scores."
Auto cross check scoresCompares the scores on two or more networked computers as soon as you save them.
Problem Set valuesIdentifies the parameter used needed for scoring the DI Extreme challenge. If you know that value, enter it - if not, you don't need to worry about this Preference!
Backup Preferences
Minutes between backupsEnables automatic backup of the tournament directory and specifies the time interval between automatic backups. The default value, 0 (zero), disables automatic backups. To enable automatic backups, set the value to 1 or greater.
Backup Directory(ies)Determines where backup copies of the tournament are stored. This location is used for automatic and manual backups. If you enter more than one directory, a backup copy is created in each directory that you list.