Select Reports

Who makes this decision? Score Master, Tournament Director
Who needs to be informed? Scoring Team

The DI Scoring Program provides several different reports to streamline your tournament and present appropriate information to the participants. In this planning task, you will review the reports, decide which you plan to use, and when and how you will use them.

The Report Reference Table describes the available reports and displays sample copies of each item.

This is the fun part. Sit back and flip through this catalog of lovely tools, all completely free of charge. Like holiday shopping, think of those on your list who might use them -- local media, team managers, volunteers at the main table, the Instant Challenge greeting table, the appraisers, and the scoring room paperwork manager, to name a few. There's something for everyone.

Seriously, look carefully at each report so that you become familiar with their content. Decide when in your scoring process you will print each type of report and to whom each report can be distributed. If you know the reports well, you are better prepared to serve the information gathering and distribution tasks you will face on tournament day.

Remember that some of these reports provide the answer that they'll all be waiting for -- names of the winners! Make certain that the scoring team, particularly the computer operators, are familiar with the reports, and know in advance when they will be expected to print and deliver each report. For reports due at the end of the tournament when the scoring room is at its crescendo, plan to have all scoring room volunteers available to make multiple copies of the reports and sort them for delivery. Don't wait until the fans are screaming to plan your strategy.

Now that you have reviewed the reports and have incorporated them into your plan, return to the Planning Worksheet and check off the Select Reports task.