Track Issues

The Issue Tracking feature of the DI Scoring Program lets you keep a record of the many different types of issues that arise during Destination Imagination tournaments. This feature replaces the hastily scribbled folder notes and yellow stickies that otherwise accumulate in the scoring room. It lets you spend time resolving the issue and less time finding your notes.

You can use the issue tracking feature to track any kind of issue, including the usual ones, such as late or missing scores, disputed scores, and invalid scores. If you'd like, you can even use the issue tracking feature to track pleasant issues, such as the nomination or presentation of a Da Vinci award or Renaissance award to a team.

This section consists of the following topics.

We hope that all of your issues are resolved successfully. However, if they are not, you can use the issue record you created to plan strategies for preventing their recurrence in future tournaments. The issue record is saved in the challenge level files in the tournament directory.

About Issues

Issues are events or irregularities that occur during a tournament. Issues can be directly related to the scoring process or involve other aspects of the competition. You can use the Issue Tracking feature to record the issue and its eventual resolution, and to remind you not to conclude the tournament until all issues are resolved.

You can raise an issue to track any unusual situation, but you should raise an issue in the following circumstances:

Issues belong to teams. You can use the Issue Tracking feature to record an issue about a particular team, but you cannot use this feature to record an issue about a challenge, a challenge level, or about the tournament.

Issues relate to the team's Team Challenge or to their Instant Challenge. General team issues are usually recorded as a Team Challenge issues.

The Issue Record that you create is permanent documentation of the issue. It includes the dates and times that issues are raised and resolved and the text of all explanations, updates, and comments. The issue record is stored in the tournament directory with other team data.

You cannot edit the Issue Record. You can add text to the record, but you cannot delete or change the text. Consider your comments carefully before you enter them.

It's easy to spot a team that has an outstanding issue. The team row in the challenge level window turns bright red when you raise an issue. The row for that challenge and level in the Tournament Summary Window also turns red. The color returns to normal when an issue is resolved. Also, you can find issues at any time by printing an issue report. (See Print Issue Reports).