Change Preferences

You can change your preferences at any time. Keep in mind that preferences affect only your computer. They are not stored in the tournament directory and are not copied to other computers when you copy the tournament.

To set identical preferences on all tournament computers, set the preferences on one computer, and then copy the preferences file diprefs.xml to all other computers. This file is located in different directories, depending on the version of Windows being used.

To view or change your preferences, in either the Tournament Summary Window or the All Teams Window, from the File menu, select Set Preferences.

Or click the Set Preferences button in the toolbar, or press Ctrl+P.

To help you find the data quickly, the following table lists the items on each page of the Preferences Editor dialog box.

Page Preferences
Dates & Time Determines the display format for dates and times.
See Date and Time Preferences.
Fonts The size and style of type displayed in DI Scoring Program windows.
See Font Preferences.
Look & Feel The window appearance, toolbar settings, and challenge colors.
See Look & Feel Preferences.
Printing Send reports to a printer or a text file, set margins, specify the number of teams printed in the Final Scores report, sets the number of projectOutreach teams to print, and determines how many copies of each score report are printed automatically.
See Printing Preferences and Set Up Reports.
Team List Select options, colors, columns and sorting for the All Teams Window and the challenge level windows.
See Team List Preferences.
Scoring Check for unusual scores, delay score validation, set check digits, set Tab behavior, automatically cross-check scores, automatically print scores, set entry of scoring remarks, disable safe deductions, set appearance of score table, set score sheet title, select Expert mode.
See Perform "Normal" Range Checks, Set Check Digits, Set Tab Key Function, Set Score Sheet Title, Entering Scoring Remarks, and Enable/Disable Safe Deductions.
Backups The backup interval, number of backups to be saved, and the directory to which backups are saved.
See Set Backup Preferences.
See also:Set Preferences
 Preference Reference
 Change the Tournament Definition