Change the Tournament Definition

Tournaments are defined when they are created, but you can change most of the tournament definition. The exception is the the choice of score sheet, which must be done before any scores are saved.

The tournament definition implements policy set by the Tournament Director, and must be the same on all computers in the tournament. Consult the Tournament Director or Score Master before changing any aspect of the tournament definition.

To view or change the tournament definition, in Tournament Summary Window or the All Teams Window, from the File menu, select Tournament Wizard or press Ctrl+Z.

To help you find the data quickly, the following table lists the items on each page of the Tournament Wizard dialog box.

Page Defined items
The name, location and type of the tournament.
The score sheet used for the tournament.
The tournament duration, start date, and start and end times for each day.
See Set the Tournament Information.
The background and foreground (text) colors of the rows in the Tournament Summary Window, the All Teams Window the challenge level windows, and the score sheets.
See Set Challenge Colors.
The file name of the Tournament Web Page (HTML file).
The number of teams printed in rank order in the Tournament Web Page and the Meet Summary. Rank of the remaining teams is not indicated.
Include team scores on the Tournament Web Page.
Split the Tournament Web Page into multiple HTML files by challenge.
See Set Up the Tournament Results (Web) Page.
Levels The competition levels needed for your tournament.
See Set Challenge Levels.
Advancement The advancement rules for each age or grade level.
See Set Advancement Rules.

See also: Change Program Preferences.