Move or Change an Appraiser

This topic explains how to change the appraiser data on the Detail score sheet.

Typically, appraisers are assigned to challenges before tournament day, but occasionally, their assignments are changed on the morning of the tournament. If you are using the detail score sheet with appraisers, you must collect these changes and enter them into the scoring program before you enter scores.

All computers scoring a challenge level must have the same appraiser list. Otherwise, you will not be able to check scores or merge scores accurately. If you change appraiser data, you must copy your changes to all affected computers (see Managing Appraiser Data).

Move an Appraiser

You cannot move a single appraiser from one challenge or challenge level to another. Instead, delete the appraiser from the original challenge level and add the appraiser to the new challenge level.

You can use the import feature to copy an entire list of appraisers from one challenge level to another. Then, to complete the move, you must delete the appraisers from the original challenge level. (See Import an Appraiser List.)

Change Appraiser Data

You can change the Appraiser ID of an appraiser, or change the elements of the challenge that they are assigned to score.

To change appraiser data:

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, locate the row for the appraiser's challenge level and click the TC Inc button in that row.
  2. In the challenge level window, from the Edit menu, select Edit Appraisers, or click the Edit Appraisers (gavel) button in the toolbar.
  3. To change an Appraiser ID or name, click the cell, and, in the resulting window, delete the original entry and type the new Appraiser ID or name. OK the result to save it.
  4. To change the appraiser's assigned challenge elements, click the corresponding check boxes to change their values. Save the results and open a score sheet to see your changes.