Enter Team Challenge Scores

You can enter a team's Team Challenge or Instant Challenge score at any time. And, you can enter any team's score at any time. You don't have to wait for a particular set of scores to arrive. Just enter them in the order in which they are most convenient for you.

The DI Scoring Program calculates the scores as you enter them. If you are using the Detail score sheet with appraisers, you can see the combined score for each element in the Score column. Otherwise, you can see the data reflected in the changes in the check digit at the bottom of the score sheet.

Remember that the scores you type into the DI Scoring Program are raw scores. Final, scaled scores for a team must wait until all scores for a challenge level are complete.

On score sheets, this button cancels the score entry and closes the window. Clicking on the X box (in the upper right corner of the window), or selecting the Windows menu's Close command (reached by clicking the upper left corner icon or by right-clicking on the title bar), will prompt you whether to save changes you have made.

See also: Exploring the Score Sheets

To enter a Team Challenge score:

  1. Open the team's challenge level window.
  2. Open the team's Team Challenge score sheet.
  3. In the score sheet, click the first active (white) cell in the score column.

    If you are using a Detail score sheet with appraisers, locate the column for the particular appraiser's score. (If you're the appraiser, find the column with your name or ID at the top.)

    Otherwise, click the top active (white) cell in the Score column.

  4. Type the score, and then press the Enter or down arrow key to move to the next lower cell in the column.

    Depending on your choice for Set Tab Function, you can also able to use the Tab key to move between the fields in each appraiser's column.

  5. If you make a mistake, click the cell with the error and retype the score.

  6. If you have enabled Entering Scoring Remarks and you wish to enter a remark, check the box at the left of that particular scoring element to open the Comments window. Add your remark and then use the choices at the bottom of the Comments window to complete your task.

    Since these remarks are printed on the Team score sheet under the heading "Reasons for unusual scores," you should probably restrict your remarks to that topic, such as subjective scores that are zeros or deductions that are non-zero.
  7. If you need to enter a deduction, see Enter Deductions for an explanation that covers the various procedures and preferences, depending on your scoring mode.

  8. If you are using detail scoring (with or without appraisers), you can automatically print the team's score sheets as soon as a team's scores are complete and ready to be saved. For more information, see Automatically print detail score reports.

  9. Click the Save button on the toolbar or at the bottom of the score sheet to save the scores and close the window.
    On score sheets, this button cancels the score entry and closes the window. Clicking on the X box (in the upper right corner of the window) or the Windows menu's Close command (reached by clicking the upper left corner icon) will prompt you whether to save changes you have made.

    For information on other ways to close the score sheet, see Explore the Score Sheets.

    If you have Automatic Cross-Checking configured for this computer, and if the cross-check fails (a discrepancy is detected between this "master/A" computer and the designated "B" computer), the "error pane" will open at the bottom of the score entry window, containing a message describing the error that was detected. You will need to refer to the appropriate scoring document(s) to resolve the discrepancy between the data values entered into the two computers.

    If you right click in the "Description" or "Score" areas of the window, a menu will appear that allows you to toggle the error pane (close or open), clear (erase) the error message, or set your preference for the height (size) of the error pane. You may also use the small up and down arrows to open (up) or close (down) the pane, and change the size of the pane by dragging the horizontal divider up or down. Once the error message has been cleared, the pane closes automatically. Remember, if you do not correct the error, the message will be redisplayed when you try again to leave that score sheet. Clearing the error message does not correct the discrepancy!