Enter Deductions

For more information about the philosophy governing the assignment of deductions and their values, see Deductions.

Entering Item-Specific Deductions in Detailed Scoring Mode

Item-specific deductions are values that are subtracted from a single scored element. For more information about item-specific deductions, see Deductions.

Item-specific deductions are permitted on most, but not all, scored items. If the Comment dialog box for a scored item does not have a Deduction Amount box, item-specific deductions are not permitted on that scored item.

To enter an item-specific deduction on the detailed score sheet:

  1. Find the item on the score sheet.
  2. In the item row, to the left of the item name and number, click the box.
  3. In the Comments dialog box, in the Deduction Amount box, type the amount of the deduction and indicate if the deduction is expressed as a % of the score value awarded by the Appraisers or number of points.  The default and the recommended method is to use %.
  4. In the Enter text for comments... box, type a brief explanation of the appraisers' reasons for the deduction. These comments appear in the "Reasons for unusual scores" section of the team's printed score sheet.
  5. Click OK.

Once you enter an item-specific deduction, two new read-only columns, Deduct and USSded, appear on the score sheet. The USSded column contains the value of the deduction that you entered - as you expressed it in either percentage or in points! The Deduct column contains the scaled point value of the deduction.

You cannot type in these two columns. To delete or change a deduction see Changing or Deleting a Deduction. Also, you cannot hide these two columns.

If you later delete the deduction, these two now-unused columns will vanish from the team's score sheet once you save it again.

Entering Other Deductions

"Other Deductions" are general deductions that are not related to a particular scored item. For more information about "Other Deductions," see Deductions.

To enter an "Other Deduction" value

  1. Right-click anywhere in the score entry area and click Modify deductions.
  2. In the Detailed Score Sheet, in the "Other Deductions" row, type the amount of the deduction in the cell of each appraisers who is scoring the "Other Deductions" item. All appraisers who are scoring this item must agree on the value of the deduction. From the score entry perspective, it may be simpler if you assign "Other Deductions" to only one Appraiser on each Appraisal Team. If an Other Deduction exceeds 20 points, you will need to check "Yes" to continue with that value.
  3. In "Other Deductions" row, click the box to the left of the item name.
  4. In the Enter text for comments... box, type a brief explanation of the appraisers' reasons for the deduction. These comments appear in the "Reasons for unusual scores" section of the team's printed score sheet.

Changing or Deleting a Deduction

You can change or delete a deduction at any time.

To change an Item-specific Deduction, use the same procedure that you used to enter the deduction. Click the "red X" to remove the numerical value of the deduction. Be sure to edit your deduction comments, if necessary.

To delete an "Other Deductions" value enter a 0 (zero) in all Other Deductions cells on the score sheet. Do not merely leave the cells blank - you must enter the zero!