Plan Your Scoring Strategy

Who makes this decision? Score Master and Tournament Director
Who needs to be informed? Challenge Masters, Head Appraisers, Appraiser Teams, Scoring Team

One of the most important decisions you will make is the first one: deciding on a scoring strategy. The strategy has three connected parts.

Always keep in mind that each manual calculation and each computer entry should be done twice, by two different individuals, in order to minimize errors. These two individuals need not always be in the same place, but it will be necessary for them to communicate with one another when they discover their calculations or entries do not agree!

To illustrate the choices, we'll describe three common scoring strategies and discuss the costs and benefits of each.

Be sure to discuss your selection with all of the people involved, especially if it departs from the strategy used in past tournaments.

When you have chosen a scoring strategy, either from the list of common strategies, or one that you have designed, make a note of it on your Planning Worksheet and check off the Plan your scoring strategy item.