Delete a Team

You will probably never have to delete a team from the DI Scoring Program. If a team withdraws from the tournament or doesn't show up, it is customary to change the team's status. In this way, you retain a record of the team's registration, but remove them from the scoring process. However, if you need to delete a team, you can.

To delete a team:

  1. Open the team's current challenge level window or the All Teams Window.

  2. Click anywhere in the team's row to select it.

  3. If you're using the challenge level window, pull down the Edit menu and select Delete Team.

  4. If you're using the All Teams window, pull down the Scoring menu and select Delete Team.

  5. Click Yes in response to the confirmation message.

When your changes are complete and saved, refresh the team lists to update all windows. In the tournament window, from the View menu, click Refresh Team Lists.