Choose A Score Sheet

Who makes this decision? Score Master and Tournament Director
Who needs to be informed? Challenge Master, Head Appraisers, Appraiser Teams, Scoring Team

The DI Scoring Program provides several different Team Challenge score sheets to suit different scoring strategies.

In this task, you'll review the available forms of Team and Instant Challenge score sheets, and decide which score sheet best meets the needs of the people at the challenge sites and in the scoring room in light of the scoring strategy you chose in the last task.

Although this task is simple, its consequence is significant. The score sheet you choose affects the organization of the scoring room and challenge sites, the tasks of the appraisers, and the distribution of volunteer staff.

The DI Scoring Program provides two different types of Challenge score sheets. These score sheets are described in the following topics.

You do not need to use the same score sheet type for each Team Challenge.

Be sure that everyone who will be entering scores has an opportunity to review the score sheet for each challenge and to practice entering scores in the score sheet before tournament day.

You will implement your choice of score sheet in the Select a Score Sheet task.

When you have chosen a score sheet, make a note of it on your Planning Worksheet and check off the Choose a score sheet item.