Find a Team

You'll need a GPS device to find a team at a busy tournament, but you can use a simpler system to find a team in the DI Scoring Program.

This topic suggests four methods for finding a team.

Use the 'Quick Find' tool to find a team by team number

In the Tournament Summary Window, the All Teams Window, or a challenge level window, click the Quick Find button on the toolbar. Type all or a portion of the Team Number of the team you are seeking. The teams are filtered to display only those teams that meet your criteria. When you spot the team you're seeking, highlight that line with your mouse. Use the Ctrl+T or Ctrl+I keystroke to open that team's Team Challenge or Instant Challenge score sheet.

Enter the scores you intended and then Save (or Exit) - the 'Quick Find' window is closed and you're back to your original list window again.

Find a team in a using other data fields

If you're unsuccessful in locating that team by team number using the Quick Find tool, the Search tool in All Teams Window and challenge level windows can be configured to search by any or all of several different fields - team name might be the next most useful. If you have no idea where the team is within your Scoring Program, you should probably start your search in the All Teams Window.

See Explore the All Teams Window for a thorough description of all the features of this tournament interface.

Find an unscored team

Sometimes, filtering the All Teams Window makes it easier to find a team. This option temporarily adjusts the All Teams Window so that it display only teams whose scores are not yet complete. This is especially useful as the tournament nears its end.

As a result, all the All Teams Window now displays only teams with incomplete scores.