Export the Advancing Teams

The final task for this tournament is to send its winners to the next tournament. This topic explains how to create a team data file containing the teams advancing from this tournament to the next level of competition.

You create a new team data file by exporting the advancing teams to a text file. The resulting text file is formatted so that the team data can be loaded directly into the DI Scoring Program tournament directory for the next level of competition. You can give this file to the Tournament Director or to the Score Master for the next tournament.

To export the advancing teams:

  1. In the Tournament Summary Window, from the File, menu, select Export.
  2. Click the box before Only export teams going on.
  3. In the File name: box, rename the export file. For example, name the file for your region, such as Tinseltown.csv.
    All export files are pre-named export.csv. If you don't provide a unique name for the file in the directory, the new file will overwrite all existing copies of export.csv without warning.
  4. Give the resulting CSV file to the Tournament Director or the Score Master for the next tournament.
  5. For teams advancing from the Affiliate Finals to Global Finals, there's a special Create Certified Winners list menu item on the File menu. This CSV file contains exactly the fields and column headings expected by the software at DI HQ.